Thursday, March 11, 2010

Poems - Instants

If I could live my life one more time,
the next one I’d try to make more mistakes.
I wouldn’t try to be so perfect, I’d be more relaxed.
I’d be more a fool than I’ve been,
as a matter of fact, I’d take a few thing seriously.

I’d be less hygienic.
I’d take more risks,
I’d travel more,
I’d contemplate more sunsets,
I’d climb more mountains, swim more rivers.
I’d go to more places where I’ve never been,
I’d eat more ice cream and less beans,
I’d have more real problems and less mental ones.

I was one of those persons who lived in a secure
and  profitable way every minute of their lives;
of course I got happy moments.
But If I could go back I’d try
to have good times only.

In case you haven’t noticed yet, that’s all about life,
only moments; don’t miss your ‘now’

I was one of those who never
left home without a thermometer,
a hot water bag,
an umbrella and a parachute;
if I could live again, I’d travel lighter.

If I could live again
I’d start walking barefooted when spring comes
and I’d be doing it until the autumn.

I’d take more trips in the carousel,
I’d see more sunrises,
I’d play with more kids,
all if I had a life in front of me

But you know, I am 85 years old…
And I know that I’m dying.


Jorge Luis Borges

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